Signs of the Times are specialists in the manufacture of Coats of Arms. Our heraldic artists are knowledgible in the history and rules of heraldry, which, together with our skilled pattern maker, enables them to reproduce the finest detail in relief.

Crests and Coats of Arms are nowadays cast in modern materials. Smaller versions are cast in polyurethane while larger versions are cast in grp (fibre glass) which is lighter and very strong. Alternatively we cast in aluminium and bronze.

Shapes & Sizes
From a few centimetres to two or three metres across. Crests can be supplied as a separate entity for fixing to walls, or incorporated in boundary, commemorative or estate signs. All suitable for interior or exterior applications.

Finish & Appearance
Detail is built up in relief to make the mould and the fiished casting is then hand painted by our talented artists using their specialist knowledge of heraldic colours. Many crests today are simplified versions of an heraldic crest to give a modern looking logo for schools and colleges.

Design & Artwork
Clients are encouraged to send us any artwork, size and shape details at an early stage so that we can assist in the design. Our experienced designers can often work from thumbnail sketches, drawings and photographs to achieve your design.
Collect together items of interest in your family to make your own coat of arms. We can help you with your design.

Secure fixings supplied to suit the application. Crests hanging inside may only have an invisible keyhole fixing in the rear while large crest on buildings will need more secure fixings.

For further information regarding materials, posts & fixings see our FAQ's


To make an enquiry complete the form using the link below giving as much detail as possible regarding your requirements.
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