Fingerposts or directional signs are extremely useful where space is limited. One or more sign panels mounted on a single post they signified an arm with a hand and pointing finger to show the way. Traditionally fingerposts were used on the public highway but today they are mostly used where the traffic is a little slower on high streets, parks and public gardens. Signs of the Times refurbish old fingerposts and make new matching arms where they have been broken in the past.

Fingerpost arms, collars and finials are usually cast in aluminium. Posts are aluminium and base collars are usually cast in polyurethane. We also supply oak fingerpost systems.

Shapes & Sizes
We can supply a range of styles in varying lengths and heights.

Finish & Appearance
Cast aluminium systems: Standard typefaces are Times New Roman and Franklin Gothic Book though we can supply any suitable typeface if required. The cast elements are sandblasted clean, acid etched and painted any RAL colour. Letters, collars and finials are hand painted in contrasting colours.
Oak systems:

Design & Artwork
All we need to make your signs is the text and copy of a logo if it is to be featured on your finials.
Alternatively we will be pleased to work to your drawings or sketches.

Signs of the Times fingerpost systems are supplied separately together with all the fixings and fitting instructions.

Prices and Quotes
Ask us for a quotation or make an enquiry – we will be pleased to supply prices and drawings

Technical Support & Contact
Please contact our technical staff for any information.
We are available most weekdays from 8.00am until 5.00pm to answer any of your questions.

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