Please find enclosed payment for our village sign, bracket and post. We have received many favourable comments and would to thank you for the excellent interpretation of the design presented to youMrs G D Dudley - Clerk to Haddenham Parish Council
Blimey that’s what I call service! – many thanks Tony Dixon - Village Signs for Aldingbourne
May I take this opportunity to thank you, on behalf of Parks Division Luton Borough Council, for the high standard of workmanship you have supplied concerning the Town Crests which now adorn the Entrance Gates of Wardown Park.Andy Pitchford, Technical and Development Officer - Luton Borough Council
Hi Sue, Just to say a big thank you to you and the company for the excellent village signs. Went to see them yesterday and we hope to have them up in time for the village fete. Think they are really nice. So glad we could do business together. Thank you to your boss and staff and to you of course for your helpfulness in all matters, much appreciated.Councillor Vicky Harper - Longhope Parish Council
I just wanted to thank you and SOTT for the wonderful plaque which you supplied. The plaque was unveiled on the Sunday 29 January at The Roof Gardens in Kensington, London. Present were members of the Hancock family as well as over 100 guests; gardening journalists and the Roof Gardens Head Gardener. A message of support and thanks from Sir Richard Branson, was also read out. I am attaching a couple of photographs of the unveiling. Thank you again. Best Wishes.Robin Hull
Hi Sue, Just to say a big thank you to you and the company for the excellent village signs. Went to see them yesterday and we hope to have them up in time for the village fete. Think they are really nice. So glad we could do business together. Thank you to your boss and staff and to you of course for your helpfulness in all matters, much appreciated. Councillor Vicky Harper, Longhope Parish Council
Dear Lyndie, Many thanks for the crest for my brother which looks wonderful! I think you and your team have done an excellent job. He will be really pleased. I enclose our final cheque. All the best.Chris Jolly
Our new main signage looks fantastic. It was extremely important to us that the signs looked good and were of high quality as they are the first image visitors and current parents see on arrival at Crosfields. There is no doubt that Signs of the Times achieved our aims.Graham Challenor, Crosfields School
At Coleshill Manor Office Campus we wanted a traditional sign design to compliment the architecture. Low maintenance was also a criteria. The solution was Signs of the Times.David Coope, Coleshill Manor Office Campus
I would like to forward the Council’s thanks to your company for making the bespoke new fingerpost sign for the village of Enderby which has been appreciated by members, and provided a most useful and welcome additional feature for the public in the centre of the village.Graham E Philips, Clerk to the Council
A Happy New Year from Gozo. Thank you so much for our house sign. We are delighted with the finished product and believe you got the Maltese H to perfection. Our son fixed the signs to the wall on New Year’s Day; we felt that was an auspicious date, so now feel that this really is our home. Best wishes and sincere thanks.”
PS. When I am organised would you like a photo of signs and front door or are you inundated with satisfied customers proud shots?Effie Brown
Dear Lyndie, I would like to thank you and your staff for the design and manufacture or our new village sign. It certainly is up to expectations and we are impressed with the quality of the workmanship. With kind regardsLes Cook, The Pembury Society
I have just had sight of the ‘Welcome to Hexthorpe’ signs produced by your company in the flesh so to speak and I have to say they are quite magnificent!! They will adorn the gateways to part of my Neighbourhood Management area in grand style and I hope what they will symbolize will make the Community of Hexthorpe very proud. Its not often that I am so impressed about things, as I’m sure Michaela will tell you!! but I have to say these signs have done it for me!! Please pass on my thanks to obviously very skilled staff who have produced them. Kind regardsDave Ridge, Doncaster MBC
The finials are so well designed, constructed, crafted and painted. They will be a wonderful addition to the town; everyone who has seen them has commented on the high standard and how attractive they look. I really must congratulate you and your staff on the professionalism of the work. I have been handed an environmental project by East Herts Council and these signs will be incorporated into this rather than the original project. As soon as I am able I will send over a selection of photographs. In the event that you should need a reference for any future work of this kind I would be happy to recommend you and if ever a similar project comes up I will have no hesitation in contacting you again. Thank you.For and on behalf of Hidden Hertford, John Barber, Project Manager
Letters received today. They look GREAT! Perfect, in fact. Thank you very, very much. CheersDavid Sanderson
Hi there Lyndie! We got the beautiful plaques earlier this week. THANK YOU. You guys have done a great job! I’m leaving groundwork but your plaques will live on forever on the Nickey Lane.Rebecca Watts, Community Project Officer
The Plaque we received is a reproduction of the charity’s ancient seal showing the Transfiguration. Lyndie and her team did a superb job of recreating a very intricate seal. It is placed in the front entrance area of our new almshouses where it has been much admired.Christina O'Halloran, United St Saviours